Prayer Points for November 2023

01. Blessed – Jesus said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 5:3). Pray for men to recognize their spiritual poverty outside of a vital relationship with the Lord and to pursue a deepening sense of the richness of His heavenly presence. 02. Mourning – Jesus said: “Blessed […]

Prayer Points for October 2023

01. Prayer – “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). We can live“online” and be consciously in God’s presence in a permanent rela􀆟onship. Bymaking our requests known and by listening to His instruc􀆟on, God will lead oursteps. Yes, friend, let’s make prayer our way of life. 02. Gra􀆟tude – “In everything give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). […]

Prayer Points for September 2023

01. Be trustworthy – “Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but who can find a trustworthy man?” (Proverbs 20:6) Our choices and habits determine our character. As you allow for God to rule every area of your life, your spouse and children will be secure and trust your leadership. “One can leave a spare […]

Prayer Points for Aug 2023

  True goodness – Dear God, I have tried so hard to be good. But no matter how hard I try it is never good enough. I am grateful because You showed me that the source of true goodness comes from You alone. You are the only one who is good. Thank You for performing […]

Prayer Points for July 2023

CA men’s prayer calendar July 2023- FINAL VERSION 01. Enduring Faith – “Dear Lord, adjust my thinking from walking by sight to  walking by faith. Now that Christ lives in me, I have the spiritual eyes necessary  to see God. Therefore, cause me to see You working in all things. Then, enable  me to endure […]

Prayer points for June 2023

01. True comfort – Oh Lord, at times I feel so sad and overwhelmed and there is no lasting comfort. I am so glad to know that the Holy Spirit is the true Comforter. I give up trying to dull the pain through human comforts. I ask You to fill me with Your Spirit and […]

Prayer points for May 2023

A God thing – Dear God, I acknowledge You as my Lord and my God. I amgrateful that You always make a way for me. Cause me to constantly look to You tolead the way. I trust You to make a way even when there seems to be no way. Grantme the grace to boldly […]

Prayer points for April 2023

CA men’s prayer calendar April 2023- FINAL VERSION 1. Resurrection life – Dear Lord, thank You for raising me out of my dead, lifeless existence. I now have resurrection life because of Your indwelling presence. The same power that raised You, Lord Jesus, from the dead now resides in me. I trust You to empower […]