Prayer Points for July 2023

CA men’s prayer calendar July 2023- FINAL VERSION

01. Enduring Faith – “Dear Lord, adjust my thinking from walking by sight to  walking by faith. Now that Christ lives in me, I have the spiritual eyes necessary  to see God. Therefore, cause me to see You working in all things. Then, enable  me to endure hardness by trusting You to work all things together for my good  and your glory. (Hebrews 11:27) 

02. In His Service – “Dear Lord, I thought I was serving You, but now I see that  my fleshly efforts were only producing dead works. Thank You, Lord, for showing  me that I am Yours and You are in me. I gladly make myself available to You, so  that You can accomplish Your good works through me.” (Acts 27:23) 

03. The Lord’s Presence – “Dear Lord Jesus, I once thought I only needed You  when things got bad. But now that Your presence indwells me, I realize that I  must depend upon You for everything. Thank You for joining Yourself to me in an  inseparable bond so that Your presence permanently resides in me.” 

(Exodus 33:15) 

04. God’s protection – “Oh God, at times it seems like everyone is against me.  But I know that no one can really crush me because You are for me! The mighty  power of Your presence is within me to protect me. Cause me to keep my focus  on Your indwelling presence rather than the enemies around me.” (Psalms 9:3) 

05. Life is for Living – “Lord Jesus, I am grateful that when I received You as my  Lord and Savior, You came to indwell me. You, the Lord of Life, have now come  to be my life. Therefore, I entrust my life to You to live your life through me. I  pray that You will have Your way with me and make Yourself known through  me!” (Galatians 2:20) 

06. Worry – “I say to you do not be worried about your life…” (Matthew 6:25).  A disciple of Jesus doesn’t have to worry. His life is secure in the hands of the  ONE who rules the universe and will supply for all his needs. Say NO to worries!  Ask the Lord for wisdom to discern the leading of His Spirit and follow His  direction no matter what. 

07. Temptation – “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to  man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you  are able…” (1Corinthians 10:13a). We live in a fallen world and are susceptible to  temptations. But you can always rely on the Lord in the storms of life. He hears  your prayers. 

08. God is faithful – “…but with the temptation (God) will provide the way of  escape also, so that you will be able to endure” (1Corinthians 10:13b). When the  prince of darkness wants to extinguish your faith and hurls his fiery darts of  unbelieve and fear at you, cling to the Lord and his word. He wants to bless you  and will show you the escape. 

09. Resentment – “Love does not take into account a wrong suffering”  (1Corinthians 13:5b). Resentment leads to bitterness and poisons relationships.  Man, allow the Lord to pour out his love through you and learn to forgive as He  has forgiven you before unforgiveness makes you its prisoner and you lose the  joy of your salvation. 

10. Procrastination – “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men  but wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15.16). Don’t be swept away by the urgent, missing out on the  important. With God’s help you can order your days, make time to listen to the  Lord, and then honor Him in all you do. 

11. Loneliness – In spite of social media and our fast-paced lifestyle the  majority of young adults feel lonely today. In fact, nothing this world can offer is  enough to fill the “God-shaped hole” everybody has in his heart. Allow for Jesus  to be your center today. “For He himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor  forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

12. Jealousy – “When we allow for God’s love to fill our heart, we have chosen  the most precious gift. He will bless us with contentment in spite of our  circumstances. Don’t be a complainer, nor harbor jealousy. It will only ruin you  and your family. “A sound heart is life to the body, but envy is rottenness to the  bones.” (Proverbs14:30) 

13. Guilt – “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed”  (John 8:36). We all are guilty before God and often become guilty towards  others. Praise God for His forgiveness through faith in the redemptive work of  Christ on the cross. Ask the Lord for help to forgive your debtors and reconcile  quickly if you have become guilty 

14. Fear – “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”  (Psalms 118:6) Whatever your trouble, be it war or persecution, be it the loss of  your job or poverty and hunger, be it sickness or even death, – if you have put  your faith in Jesus, He will see you through. “Whoever trust in the Lord shall be  safe.” (Proverbs 29:25) 

15. Failure – “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has  compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he  remembers that we are dust” (Psalms 103:13.14) Allow for the Lord to redirect  your focus. Stop concentrating on your failures; believe that He loves you! His  grace is enough.

16. Doubt – “Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed” (John 20:29b). Praise the Lord that He is a merciful God who comes to us when  we are broken in heart and contrite in spirit. He wants to answer your sincere  doubts. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and is  safe.” (Proverbs 18:10) 

17. Discouragement – “From the end of the earth I will cry to you, when my  heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psalms 61:2).  When you have done your best and it is still is far from enough, don’t give up.  Instead ask the Lord for His perspective. He makes all things work out for good  if you love Him first. 

18. Anger – “Be angry and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your  anger” (Ephesians 4:26). There is righteous anger. God himself is angry at the  wicked every day (Psalms 7:11). But He is holy and we are not. Don’t let anger  fester. If you have a hot temper and are easily angered, ask the Lord to teach you  true meekness of heart. 

19. Love – God dearly loves people who have not yet heard about Jesus. Pray  that you will succeed in being a vessel of God’s love, helping Him to get in touch  with many who haven’t heard yet through you. (James 4:5) 

20. Concern – As Christs ambassadors on planet Earth, you are commissioned  to share the Gospel with people who have not yet heard it proclaimed. Pray that  God will burden you with His concern for a lost world; and show you where and  how he can use you in the most fruitiful way possible. (Matthew 28:18-20) 

21. Fellowship – Like pieces of wood in the stove keep the fire burning, we  need to encourage each other as followers of Christ. Pray that you will find  fellow believers to lean on. And pray that God will use you to bring blessing and  encouragement to other Christians. (Hebrews 13:1) 

22. Opportunities – Some people pray every morning for an opportunity to  meet a person before the end of the day that they can invite into the Lord’s  presence. Thank God that He raises up such diligent evangelists. (Colossians 4:2-3) 

23. Restoration – “He restores my soul…” (Psalms 23:3a). When we take time  to be in God’s presence and open our heart and life to him, we will experience  relief. The Almighty wants us to be close to him, because he delights in blessing  us. Be ready to be restored today. 

24. Guidance – “He guides me in the paths of righteousness” (Psalms 23:3b).  In hindsight we can only marvel how God led us each time we sought him; and  how our soul was refreshed. Be willing to trust Him today again! 

25. Fearless – “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I  fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalms 23:4a). Even if my life is difficult, filled  with sickness, pain, suffering and the threat of death, I know that the Lord Jesus  is with me and leads me through. 

26. Comfort – “Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalms 23:4b). What  an unspeakable joy it is to be secure in Jesus Christ. We know those moments  and circumstances that make life seem desolate and hopeless. But as we allow  for Jesus to come in, our soul is encouraged and we receive new strength and  confidence. 

27. Goodness – “Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days  of my life” (Psalms 23:6) Because of God’s goodness to me, He enables me to  pass it on to my family and the people I come in touch with. That is how God’s  presence and grace wants to be reflected also in your life. 

28. Light that shines – The prince of darkness knows that his time is short. His  strategy is to engulf the world in immorality, rebellion, spiritual lawlessness, and  chaos. Therefore, redeem the time…”Let your light shine before men in such a  way that they may see your good works, and glorify your father in heaven.”  (Matthew 5:16) 

29. Don’t shrink back – “But the righteous one shall live by faith; and if he  shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him” (Hebrews 10:38). When  lawlessness abounds, the Christian and his message will be resisted. Be  courageous! Stand your ground! Do not fear those who kill the body but are  unable to kill the souls.” (Matthew 10:28)  

30. Prayer – “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The routine of daily  life; family. circumstances; work and more can lead man to neglect prayer.  Prayer keeps the mind and heart alert and sensitive to face the battles that man  faces. Lord, we ask today for a persevering and constant prayer life. 

31. Faithfulness – Temptations exist everywhere, and those involving man’s  sexual and moral life are explicitly exposed. Philippians 4:7 says that “…the  peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and  your thoughts in Christ Jesus.” Lord, help me to direct my heart and mind that I  will always be faithful to my wife.