Prayer Points for November 2013

November – Praying for Portugal, Korea & Norway

Portugal – In a culture where evangelical Christians are few and far between, our Christian brothers need us to:
• Pray for spiritual stamina to continue on with a close walk with our Lord, reading daily from the Bible and thinking upon what is read to the point that growth becomes evident.
• Pray for Christian husbands to love their wives, being faithful and spiritually leading their family.
• Pray for Christian fathers to encourage their children to not follow the ways of the world, but rather, to choose to follow God even when it is unpopular in their culture.
• Pray for Christian fathers to set the example for their sons and community on how to treat a wife, and women in general.
• Pray for Christian men to be qualified and take rolls of leadership in their church

• Pray that Christian husbands display Christ pleasing work ethics, while balancing their family time so as to not only provide for, but lead their families.
• Pray for Christian fathers to disciple their sons in spiritual issues as well as how to treat females with respect.
• Pray for protection and yet boldness for Christian men in sharing the Gospel and how to live a God pleasing life in what may be a hostile environment.
• Pray for Christian husbands to obviously love their wives and families, demonstrating that God has priority in their lives.
• Pray for Christian men to impact their communities, families, churches and place of employment, sharing through life and lip how knowing God has made a difference in their lives.

• Pray for God fearing men to seriously take God at His word and follow His guidance in their lives
• Pray for Christian fathers to raise their families to have God pleasing values, even when those values are not embraced by the local culture.
• Pray for Christian husbands to love their wives, lead their wives and help their wives, with the result that marriages are strengthened and the lives of their neighbors are positively impacted.
• Pray for Christian men to grow in their walk with the Lord and their reliance upon His and His word, enabling them to take leadership roles in their churches, helping to steer the church according to God’s plan of reaching out and impacting others with the Gospel.
• Pray for Christian husbands to live in such a way that their wives love them and desire their leadership.

• Pray for Edmund Spieker as he leads the work of Champions Arise, for strength and good health as well as wisdom and good communication skills across an international team.
• Pray for finances to be raised for programs to be written, produced, translated and transmitted.
• Pray for our Dutch brothers who begin a prayer group in the Netherlands.
• Pray for good health for our Canadian brothers who write and produce programs for Champions Arise.
• Pray that the “toolbox” is used and effective in other languages and cultures.
• Pray for more men to be encouraged in their walk, that their walk may be pure and pleasing to our Lord.
• Pray for more men to truly believe what they claim they believe, living lives which back up their profession of faith.
• Pray that Christian men would faithfully love and lead their wives and families as God leads them.
• Pray for Christian men to remember their commitments to the Lord and their families.
• Pray for more Christian men to learn of Champions Arise, getting behind it prayerfully.
• Pray that more men would visit the website and share it with their friends.
• Pray that the scripts would soon be translated into more languages than anticipated in shorter time, so that men in other cultures would be better equipped to love and lead their families.
• Pray that more Godly resources would be come available and shared with more men enabling more men to better love and obey God.
• Pray for men to review and pray for the suggested prayer requests from earlier this year, not limiting them to merely the current.
• Pray that God would be pleased to honor and answer immeasurably beyond our feeble prayers.