1. THE ULTIMATE MAKEOVER – Dear Lord, I have tried many times to change, but now I realize that true and lasting change comes from You. You gave me the ultimate makeover when I received you and became a new creation in Christ. Please bring the needed changes as well on the outside. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
2. GOOD JOB – Heavenly Father, I want to do a good job for You, but I continue to fail. I have a performance problem. I admit that my flesh is weak. I am totally powerless to live life. Therefore, I cease from my fleshly efforts. I trust You to perform Your good and perfect works through me. (Romans 7:18)
3. KNOW IT ALL – Dear God, I never seem to know what I need to know when I need to know it. But You, Oh God, are all- knowing. Therefore, I give up trying to figure things out based on the Tree of Knowledge. I yield to You as the all-knowing One to make known to me what I need to know. (Acts 15:18)
4. TIME FOR A RESET – Father God, just as You brought the former things to pass, so You will bring the future things to pass. You will perfect that which concerns me. Therefore, I reset my faith upon You, Lord Jesus, I trust You to enable me to do what You deem best for my life. (Isaiah 42:9)
5. FAITH WORKS – Dear Lord, I believed the facts about You, but I have not truly trusted You. Right now, I place my faith in You to take complete control of my life. I entrust myself to You, and trust You to guide me in every area of my life. Thank You for the grace to walk by faith and not by sight! (James 2:17)
6. PEACEMAKER – Conflicts happen very easy in the family and create an unpleasant environment. Let’s pray that, as men, we are sensitive and realize when a situation like this arises! “It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.” (Proverbs 20.3)
7. WAYWARD – One statistic states that out of every ten men in the church, one will have children who leave the church. Lord, we intercede for families that suffer from the pain of seeing their children walking away from You. Grant patience and perseverance to parents and grant them the joy to see their children return to You. (Luke 15.20)
8. HONOR – A good name can be tarnished, and even destroyed, by sin. In Proverbs 14:34 it says: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” I come to You Lord, to ask for my own life. May my conduct be a reference for my family, and leave a legacy to be followed.
9. RESIST – The work environment becomes a temptation when men are invited to participate in corruption schemes and illegal actions. Pray for wisdom and strength to resist and remain pure in your path, even if it comes at a cost. (Proverbs 1.7-20)
10. HEALING – Many a man enter marriage with wounds from past experiences and practices. Praise God, that there is no wound that the Lord Jesus isn’t able to cure. “Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness – by whose stripes you were healed” (1Pe 2:24).
11. SPIRITUAL SECRETS – Every time you open your Bible, you give the Holy Spirit an opportunity of revealing spiritual secrets to you. Pray that you will be able to understand what He teaches you, and willing to follow wherever He leads you (Luke 24:45).
12. TOP PRIORITY – Your spiritual maturity, more than anything else dependents on the amount of time you spend together with Jesus. Pray that Jesus will help you to give Him top priority in your life (Matthew 6:33).
13. A PROSPEROUS LIFE – King David teaches us in Psalm 1 to meditate on Gods law “day and night”. Those who do this will be like trees planted by streams of water. Thank God for his wonderful promises to those who diligently seek him like King David did (Psalm 1:1-3).
14. WITHOUT CEASING – “Pray without ceasing” (1Thess 5:17). Our world is much more than what we see and control. The Bible speaks of the unseen principalities, powers and spiritual rulers and invites us to take a stand for God. Therefore pray and intercede for God to rule in the lives of people, governments and nations.
15. PASS IT ON – As you spend time with the Lord Jesus, you get to know Him better day by day. Pray that he will give you wisdom and courage to pass on to others some of the spiritual secrets He reveals to you (2 Timothy 2:24-25).
16. PRIEST – We men are called to be the spiritual leader, or priest, of the home. The role of the priest is to be the intercessor for men before God (Hebrews 5.1). Lord, I pray, help me to represent you well in my family and to make time to intercede for my wife and children.
17. PROPHET – Another primary function of man as a leader in the home is that of a prophet. The prophet’s task is to carry the message of the Highest God to the people. We have the privilege to teach our children the Bible (Deut. 6.6-7). Lord, speak through Your word to me and use me to teach my family accordingly.
18. ACCOMPLISHED – Jesus exclaimed on the cross, “It is finished” (John 19.30), because he had carried out the plan to save the world. Everything that had to be done was accomplished. – Lord, help me to be faithful to the point that when I leave this world, I have taken your gospel to those you entrusted to my care.
19. LOVE – The most practical way to show love is to help others. A blessed family is one in which parents teach their children the principle of sharing with others what they have received. The apostle Paul exhorts us to work so that we can share with those in need (Ephesians 4:28). – Lord, make us sensitivity to the need of others.
20. SILENCE – Our world is so agitated and noisy. There are voices everywhere. Many of these voices want our attention. However, we need solitude, that moment when we are silent to hear the Lord’s voice (Psalm 46.10). It is essential that we listen to his voice. – Lord, calm my being and speak to me!
21. THE GREAT COMMANDMENT – Men are normally objective and risk taking in their choices. But what about choosing spiritual priorities? – Friend, resist the pressure of our culture to invest only in the here and now. Ask the Lord to grand you a perspective of what really matters and surrender to his priorities. (Mt 22:36-38)
22. INSPIRATION – As relativism, fake news and conflicting worldviews dominate the media, God offers a solid base for absolute truth in his Word. Therefore, be a man of the Word. Make time to study Scripture and allow for the Spirit of God to inspire and mold you into a man equipped for every good work. (2Tim 3:16.17)
23. MEDITATE – When Joshua felt incapacitated and fearful to lead the nation of Israel, God revealed to him the secret for a successful life. He commanded him to constantly profess and meditate on the law of God. Pray to be such a man who leaves a legacy of blessing. Make the meditation in the Bible your priority. (Josh 1:8.)
24. ASKING – God revealed his love by sending his son to die for our redemption on the cross. By believing in the Lord Jesus, we become children of the Almighty. His Spirit lives in us and teaches us how to pray. Our Father wants to supply for all of our needs as we trust him and ask in the powerful name of Jesus. (John 16:24)
25. PEACE –Many countries, especially in southeast Asia, are still in the grip of the pandemic. Please pray for those who know Christ to entrust themselves to his care, to experience his peace and to serve and witness to the needy. Pray that many tune in to TWR’s broadcast and find hope in that desperate situation. (Phil 4:6.70)
26. DOERS – It has been said, that the way from the head to the heart can be very long. Intellectual knowledge and good theology alone will never please God. He is looking for those who keep (obey) his word, allow him to use them as his instruments of blessings, and as salt and light in our world of darkness. (James 1:22)
27. DISCIPLINE – Discipline is a boo-word in our anti-authoritarian culture. But our God, who is sovereign, almighty and absolutely holy has the right to require our worship and submission. When he disciplines us, he does so with grace and mercy and has our good in mind. Therefore, submit and trust him always. (Heb 12:11)
28. ONE + ONE = ONE – “God has made us different that he might make us one.”
The Lord created Eve, to be Adam’s helper, and to become one with him. This miracle of oneness in marriage happens through love and when the Lord is first. Therefore man, accept and honor your wife as God’s gift to you. (Gen 2:18)
29. CHRIST’S LOVE – Many men have a problem with showing emotions. But godly love is the strongest and manliest emotion there is. Christ gave his life as a love offering for a world that rejected him. Pray to be a husband who demonstrate this kind of love to his wife. Christ wants to help you do it. (Eph 5:25)
30 SUFFERING – When Adam and Eve sinned against God, all of creation started to suffer. It is natural that we all shy away from suffering. But praise God, he doesn’t leave us alone in our needs. “Therefore, let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their soul to Him in doing good, as to a faithful creator” (1Pe 4:19)
31. PRAYER IS THE WORK – Many pray only in emergencies, when there is nothing else to be done. Please don’t underestimate God’s invitation to seek him with all your heart. He is Lord over all creation and willing to listens to the prayer of his children. He is able to do mighty things. (Is 64:4)