Prayer Points for October 2021

1. We can talk – We can talk with the Lord about everything! “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Phil. 4:6). 2. Always joy – Paul writes from prison, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice” (Phil. […]

Prayer Points for September 2021

1. Pray first – “I urge, then, first of all…” (1 Tim. 2:1), Paul wrote to his young friend Timothy. We, too, need to be reminded that before anything else, we need to seek God’s presence with petition, prayer, intercession and thanksgiving. That is the best start into a new day. 2. Love God – […]

Prayer Points for August 2021

1 Knowledge – “I pray that you will be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding” (Col.1:9).  Dear Lord, help us as men to desire Your perfect will and to have spiritual insight to walk in Your will daily, cultivating godly character from Christ’s life within. 2. Walk worthy – “That you […]

Prayer Points for July 2021

1. THE ULTIMATE MAKEOVER – Dear Lord, I have tried many times to change, but now I realize that true and lasting change comes from You. You gave me the ultimate makeover when I received you and became a new creation in Christ. Please bring the needed changes as well on the outside. (2 Corinthians […]

Prayer Points for June 2021

Mission accomplished – Dear God, so often I have missed the main objective. I realize the Lord Jesus always accomplished his mission because he always followed his Father’s leading. Therefore, control my life and cause me to accomplish your mission for me. (Luke 9:51-53) Abounding in hope – Oh Lord, there are so many depressing […]

Prayer Points for May 2021

From poor to rich – Dear God, I once thought material possessions were an indication of wealth. True riches, however, are not based on what I have but on who I have. Jesus Christ exchanged his riches for my poverty so that I might be made rich in him. Thank you that in receiving Christ, […]

Prayer Points for April 2021

1. WARNING & SOLUTION – Oh Lord, there is so much false information and everyone has an opinion. But You, Lord Jesus, are the Truth. Your warning is clear: beware us of falsehood. Cause me to grow in the knowledge of You. Then, I will be able to remain steadfast in the truth. (2 Peter […]

Prayer Points for March 2021

1. Shared responsibility – As a follower of Christ, it is your duty to sow the seed of the gospel by words and deeds. It is the Lord, however, who is responsible for the harvest. Thank him today that you are found worthy to work alongside the creator of heaven and earth for the salvation of […]

Prayer Points for February 2021

1. Consciousness – Oh Lord, I have been spiritually asleep through much of my life. However, you are calling me to wake up. Stir my spirit to develop Christ consciousness so I will be mindful of your indwelling presence. Keep me focused on Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of my faith! (Rom. 13:11)  2. […]

Prayer Points for January 2021

1. Resurrection life – Dear Lord Jesus, I am so grateful that You went to the cross for me and died as me. Now that I have received You, Your resurrection life indwells me. Cause me to know what I need to know. Thank You for enabling me to live a new life by the […]