Prayer Points for May 2024

01. A new heart – Do you have a heart for missions? A desire to see other

people giving their lives to Christ? If not, pray that God will give you a new

heart. (Ezekiel 36:26)

02. Stay focused – The key to succeed as a Christian is to keep your eyes

focused on Jesus. And remember: He has promised to never take His eyes from

you. Give thanks to God that He has promised to never fail you nor forsake you.

(1 Chronicles 28:20)

03. Undeserved – The triune God has done amazing things for you, and for all

human beings, even though none of us deserved them. Praise Him today and

give Him thanks for saving you! (Psalms 105:1,2)

04. Equipped – God wants you to become more like Him, and He wants you to

be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Pray that the Holy Spirit will

transform you from within to become the man God intended you to be.

(2 Timothy 3:16,17

05. Fighting – “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not

the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?”(James 4:1) As long

as our hearts and minds aren’t surrendered to the lordship of Christ, we are

prone to be dominated by our own fleshly lust. Allow for Christ to be the

captain of your soul.

06. War – “And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angles waging war

with the dragon…and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven”

(Revelation 12:7). Satan is the source for evil and fiercely resists God’s rule.

Soon God will create a new heaven and earth. Surrender to His lordship and you

will reign with Him forever.

07. End times – “And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars…but that

is not yet the end” (Matthew 24:6). Today there are more than 110 armed

conflicts in our world (RULAC). This and other facts Jesus mentioned in Matt.

24. They are the “beginnings of birth pains” but not the end yet. Men, stand

firm in the faith in order to be saved.

08. Drowsiness – “Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got

drowsy and began to sleep” (Matthew 25:5). Patience is a weak point for most

men. We like action! But Christ’s return is not on our timetable. Nevertheless,

His order to work until He comes remains. Pray to not get drowsy but be a

witness and get involved in missions.

09. Irrational hate – “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy”

(John 10:10a). Since the holocaust the world has not seen hatred as demonic,

irrational, and satanic as the deadly, antisemitism assault in the Middle East.

The hatred of Jews is as old as Satan’s hatred and jealousy of God. Pray for the

innocent victims.

10. Amazing love – “But God demonstrates his own love towards us, in that

while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). In His amazing love,

God has rescued fallen humanity from the claws of Satan. Share the Gospel

with your friends and family. Nobody is excluded from God’s offer of


11. The unreached – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”

(Matthew 28:19). There are over 6,000 unreached people groups, about 3

billion people, who have not heard the Gospel. Pray for the Church, the bride of

Christ, to awake from its drowsiness and you be willing to be a man who obeys

the Great Commission of Christ.

12. Trouble – “In the world you have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome

the world” (John 16:33). You are not alone in your trouble! To be alive means to

face adversities. Don’t try to hide. Take the Lord at His Word and trust Him to

equip you in such a way that you are able to confront your problems in His

wisdom and might.

13. Distress – “In my distress I called for the Lord; I cried to my God for help”

(Psalms 18:6). Sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers because we are not

ready for what He has to say. Therefore, never stop trusting Him. He hears you.

All the great men of faith discovered God’s amazing greatness through

brokenness and distress.

14. Anguish – “I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit” (Job 7:11). Very few

people experience the intensity of suffering like Job. But God allowed it for a

purpose. He trusted Job’s integrity and that he would not denounce his faith

because of what he suffered. Pray to also be a man who trusts the Lord no

matter what.

15. Anger – “In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your

hearts and be silent” (Psalms 4:4). You have heard it before: “Think before you

speak. Don’t act in the heat of the moment.” But God’s advice is more than

self-control. He wants to reveal our hidden motives. Allow Him to speak silently

into your night.

16. Anxiety – “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”

(1 Peter 5:7). If you are a worrier, then you know how hard it is to let go of your

concern. The Bible orders us to let go, to throw our anxiety on the Lord. It’s an

effort of your faith and will. Believe that the Lord always fulfills His promise.

Trust Him!

17. Advance – “With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I

can scale a wall” (Psalms 18:29). King David had been persecuted and haunted

by his enemies for years and knew what he was talking about. Pray to also be

a man who lives for God. He wants to use you as a leader in your family and

your world today.

18. Seek – Amazing! We can choose to seek the Lord and He promised to let

Himself be found. “You will seek me and find me when you search for me with

all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). Let’s pray that our hearts will always be

inclined to seek the Lord’s presence! Thank you, Father, for letting Yourself be


19. Fruit – A fruit tree is known by the fruit it produces. As Christian men we

are challenged to bear good fruit because we are connected to Christ, the true

vine (John 15:5). Pray for Christ, who lives in you, to produce the fruit of His

Spirit through you: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.

20. Different – Bricks are produced by placing clay in a mold. After they are

dried, they are all the same. The world tries to mold us into its culture and way

of life. The Bible calls us not to take the world’s “mold,” but to live according to

God’s will. (Romans 12:2) Lord, grant us discernment and the courage to live by

Your standards.

21. Provision – Times of unemployment or lack of resources can bring

difficult times for the family. The Bible says: “You, Lord, will keep him in perfect

peace whose purpose is firm, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3). Lord, we

pray for peace, direction, and Your provision for men who are looking for work

and a livelihood.

22. Parenting – Children are a gift from God, and there is a tremendous

responsibility for parents in raising them. “He who rebukes someone will find

more favor afterwards than he who only flatters” (Proverbs 28:23). Lord, give

parents courage and perseverance in raising their children according to Your


23. The New Covenant – Dear God, I am grateful for the New Covenant of

Your indwelling life. You replaced my old evil heart with Your Holy Spirit. You are

no longer standing beside me to guide me; but now, Your Spirit is resident

within me enabling me to know and do Your will. I want to walk in Your ways.

(Hebrews 8:8-10)

24. A fruitful life – Oh Lord Jesus, I thought I was doing a good job. Now I

realize that the best I can do is produce the dead works of the flesh, which are

void of life. You are the life-source. Therefore, I ask You to abide in me, make

Yourself at home in me and live Your life through me. Thank You, Lord, for a

fruitful life! (John 15:4)

25. The mystery of godliness – Almighty God, the mystery of godliness is

one of the greatest mysteries of all. How amazing that a holy God would

indwell our humanity. Jesus solved the mystery when He died on the cross for

us. My evil nature was replaced with Your divine nature. Thank you for

indwelling me. (Colossians 1:26,27)

26. Laboring in the Lord – Oh Lord, I thought my good works mattered.

However, now I realize that the works of Christ are what really matters because

only His works last. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for imparting Your life to me. Now I

can labor in Your strength. Please accomplish Your great and mighty works

through me. (Colossians 1:29)

27. The source of your work – Lord Jesus, You explained that God the

Father, who indwelled You, was the sole source of your activity. Since I have

received You, the Spirit of God indwells me. Just as You lived in total

dependency upon Your Father, I yield the control of my life to You so that You

can work through me. (John 14:10)

28. Blindness – “The god of this world has blinded the unbelieving”

(2 Corinthians 4:4). How we wished it were different! But the reality is that only

believing in Jesus Christ and His Word makes one able to discern what God’s will

is. Christ is the light of the world. Be a man who consciously submits to the

Lord. Walk humbly with your God.

29. Government – “Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due;

custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor”

(Romans 13:7). In Romans 13:1-7 the Bible refers to government that uses the

rule of law for good. Pray for those in authority and be a man whose dealings

reflect a good citizen.

30. Blindfolded – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways

My ways, declares the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8). When you feel like you are blindfolded

in life without understanding why things happen to you, trust God’s wisdom

and loving motivation. He is God and close to those who call on Him and He will

still surprise you.

31. Medal of honor – The highest military decoration goes to individuals who

exhibit courage, sacrifice, patriotism, citizenship, integrity and commitment.

Today, as the tsunami of immorality and ungodliness sweeps the world, God is

searching for men who build up the wall and stand in the gap before Him for

the land. (Ezekiel 22:30)