1. Keep in mind that prayer does not change things, God does! Only God can make true and lasting change. And He will do so through prayer. So, pray that you will always remember that the Source of answered prayer comes from the Lord God Almighty, and then trust Him to change things! Philippians 4:19
2. God always makes a way. Pray that God would raise-up men who would constantly look to Him to lead the way, and trust Him to make a way even when there seems to be no way. Then pray that these men would boldly step out by faith wherever the Lord may lead. Isaiah 43:19
3. Many men are faced with great challenges, which cause them to be consumed with worry. Yet Champions of God don’t worry about anything, because they pray about everything. So pray first and pray always about everything! Philippians 4:6
4. When the Lord is your shepherd, you will fear no evil. Therefore, turn your fears into occasions of faith. When you sense danger, exercise faith in the Lord and pray for His protection and provision. Psalm 23:4
5. Remember to always check in with Headquarters. Champions consult with the Lord about everything, because they know that He is in charge. Pray that you will always remember to consult with your Lord and trust Him to enable you to get the job done. Psalm 106:13
6. Pray with the view to receiving. Biblical praying involves an attitude of expectancy. So when you pray, always believe that you have received it and you shall have it. Mark 11:24
7. Prayer requires faith—faith in the Lord God Almighty! So trust the Lord to enable you to pray in faith, in order that you might receive. And then pray, believing that you have the petition that you desire of Him. Matthew 21:22
8. Champions are solid. They remain steadfast and unmovable in their walk with the Lord. Therefore pray that you would remain strong in faith, without wavering. 1 Corinthians 15:58
9. Champions put feet to their prayers. After they have prayed, they step out with bold confidence. Pray that the Lord would enable you to take the necessary action steps regarding your prayers. Matthew 14:28-29
10. Champions are good soldiers of Christ. A champion endures hardness. Regardless of the problems or the pain, God’s grace will enable you endure it with calm assurance. So pray for the grace to enable you to endure the hard times in your life. 2 Timothy 2:3
11. Let us pray that we would always hunger and thirst for the Lord’s righteous life. And then pray that He would empower you to walk in the path of righteousness for His names sake. Matthew 5:6
12. Let us ask the Lord for a greater revelation of Christ in our lives, for a greater anointing of the Spirit upon our lives, and a greater manifestation of Christ through our lives. 2 Corinthians 9:10
13. In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus said, when you pray not if you pray. Prayer is a given. It is normal, natural and necessary for a Christian to pray. So pray that Holy Spirit would cause you to remain in constant communication with your Lord. Luke 11:2
14. Pray, pray, pray! Pray when you need to and pray when you don’t. Pray when you feel like it and pray when you don’t. Prayer should be continuous—constant communication with your Lord. So pray that the Spirit would cause you to keep the lines of communication open. And pray, pray, pray! 1 Thessalonians 5:17
15. Prayer is not about getting what you want (your fleshly desires) but about what God wants (which is the desire of your heart). Therefore pray that God would show you His will. And then pray that His will would be done on Earth in your life. Matthew 6:10
16. In the book of James we are exhorted to count it all joy when we experience trials. The writer of Hebrews described those who took joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Pray that the Spirit would cause you to respond joyfully to the difficulties in your own life. James 1:3
17. Champions live from the Source. So as you pray be ever mindful that the Source—Jesus Christ the Lord—resides in you. Pray that you will remain in constant dependency upon the Source of Life in Christ. Colossians 3:4
18. Pray daily that God would guard you and guide you. Pray that He would guard you in your relationships, in your circumstances, and in your duties. Pray that He would guide your plans, your decisions, and your activities. Numbers 6:24-26
19. Remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Pray that the Spirit would cause you to hold high the shield of faith to block all the fiery darts of the wicked. The battle is the Lord’s! Ephesians 6:12, 16
20. Patience is a virtue. But it also requires God’s grace to follow through. Pray that God would grant you the grace to wait patiently upon Him. Hebrews 10:36
21. Expectations, we all have them, but most are invalid. Pray that your expectations will be in the Lord Himself and what He wants to do in your life. Then all your expectations will derive from the Lord and you can wait patiently upon Him to bring them to pass. Psalm 62:5
22. The prayer of faith is very effective! It produces the desired results. So pray to the Lord in faith, depending entirely upon Him. He will answer your prayers! James 5:15
23. Intercessory prayer is praying on behalf of others. But you are not alone in this daunting task. The Intercessor—Jesus Christ—lives in you. So remember to pray for others. And pray in dependency upon the Christ within you, to make intercession through you for them. Hebrews 7:25
24. Pray for your family. Your family is you flock. The Good Shepherd will guide you in caring for them. This begins by praying for their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
25. Pray for your enemies. We’ve all had enemies in our lives. But have you prayed for them? Jesus prayed for His enemies while dying on the cross, “Father, forgive them.” Think of those who have hurt you. Forgive them, and then pray for them. Matthew 5:44
26. Praise the Lord for the significant kick off luncheon of project Champions Arise as TWR’s own ministry to men on April 17th. Pray that the CA website and TWR360 would be tools for engagement and encouragement for Christian men to live out their calling as godly leaders at home and in society. Matthew 5:13-16
27. Praise the Lord for the growing interest in using the CA Tool Box as the basis for relevant and contextualized programs for men in different languages. We have received encouraging inquiries from several European countries, South America and in Central Asia. Pray that the understanding of the importance for a solid prayer base for such projects would increase and accompany these new developments. Colossians 3:17
28. Praise the Lord for the ongoing development of the CA projects in South Africa in Zulu, Afrikaans and African English. Pray especially for Dannie and Ernest who lead those projects and pray for the needed resources for the radio broadcast on local stations.
29. Praise the Lord for the progress of the CA project in Brazil. The official launching of the programs is planned for the end of September. There are small beginnings of men groups who already use CA material. Pray for the CA production team of TWR-Brazil and for Edmund as he encourages pastors to start men’s ministries in their churches.
30. Praise the Lord for men of vision who have invested their resources for CA to begin this project. As CA national partners of TWR start new language groups additional human and financial resources are needed. Please pray with us for the Lord of the Harvest to provide for CA in Indonesia, India, Africa, Brazil, Central Asia, South and North America and Europe.