Prayer Points for January 2023

CA men’s prayer calendar January 2023 final

1. Be courageous – We might sometimes feel that evil and hatred eventually will conquer love and compassion. But thank God, He assures us that exactly the opposite is the case. (John 16:33)  Be courageous! We can rest assured in God’s promises.

2. Fellowship – Spiritual fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters is important in order to prevail as a follower of Jesus in a hostile world. If you have such a fellowship, give thanks to God. If not, pray that He will provide one for you. (Heb.10:24,25).

3. A simple testimony – We are sometimes afraid of talking to other people about Christ because we feel that our knowledge about His Word is limited. However, the simple is often the best. Thank God that you can tell people about Him simply by telling them what Jesus has done for you. (John 9:25)

4. It is finished –Jesus’ famous last words before He died were, “It is finished.” What has not yet been fulfilled, however, is to bring the Good News to all nations and every ethnic group in the world. Pray that God will show you how you can contribute to accomplish the Great Commission. (Luke 24:47) 

5. Unassuming – Mary and Joseph were little people from a little village in the backcountry of Galilee. Unassuming but not insignificant! Decisive was how God used them. This is how it is still today. How God will use your life might be seen only much later. Just keep faithful today. (James 4:6)

6. Mystery – “For this reason he had to be made like his brothers…” (Heb. 2:17,18). God placed the highest expectation on His beloved Son, Jesus, so that through His suffering He would be able to identify with humanity. In the same way, God still uses the suffering of His beloved children to build through them bridges to others.  

7. Rejoice – “Rejoice in the Lord always!” (Phil. 4:4a) Many times the circumstances of life aren’t reasons for rejoicing. But when we are intimately connected to the Lord Almighty who loves us, nothing is able to rob us of the deep joy and security He provides. Therefore, continue to trust and obey.

8. Remember – “I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4b) We are forgetful. Therefore, we read in Psa. 103:2, “Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” Remembering God’s goodness gives courage to face the present challenges. Allow Him to be the foundation of your faith and outlook in life.

9. Gentleness – “Let your gentleness be evident to all” (Phil. 4:5). Because we belong to Jesus, we can rejoice from the heart and show gentleness to others. As we allow God to bless and transform us, our lives become an invitation for those who observe us to also trust in Him.   

10. Getting rid of worries – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Phil. 4:6). With God nothing is impossible. We can leave everything that haunts us with the Lord and wait in thankful expectation for His solutions. 

11. Peace – “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7).  With Jesus, I can handle unsolved questions and problems. It’s His peace that enables me to remain calm and confident. Therefore, rejoice; say “no” to worries and trust Him no matter what. 

12. Blessed – Dear Lord, I am always tempted to follow my own understanding and to make my own rules. Please help me to seek You first and to submit to Your will. “Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands” (Psa. 112:1).

13. Legacy – It’s our privilege to be a role model to our children and to encourage them to make wise choices. Lord, please help me to be a father who honors You and who leaves a spiritual legacy for the next generation. “His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed” (Psa. 112:2).

14. Channel – Lord, you have so much more to give than what this world has to offer. Grant me to be a man who is a channel of Your blessings and whose character and attitude will greatly enrich my family and friends. “Wealth and riches are in his house and his righteousness endures forever” (Psa. 112:3).

15. Hope – The Gospel is a message of hope. Christ redeemed us on the cross and makes righteous everyone who believes in Him. Allow Him to live His life through you and be an agent of hope today. “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man” (Psa. 112:4).

16. Generosity – God loves a generous man. He takes note and promises to reward those who care for others.  “God will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice” (Psa. 112:5). Pray for a sensitive heart and open hands for those who are in need around you.

17. Righteous – The impact of a righteous, godly man is astonishing. His life counts for time and eternity. “Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever” (Psa. 112:6). Lord, make me into a man who stands firm on Your promises and who encourages others to trust You in the storms of life.

18. Bad news – As the signs of the end times increase with wars and rumors of war, famines, pestilence and earthquakes, the man of faith looks toward his Lord’s coming.  “He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord” (Psa. 112:7). Lord, grant me to be your witness in these troubling times.

19. Secure – If you are a man who allows for God to direct his life, you experience the promise of Psa. 112:8, “His heart is secure, he will have no fear.” We are surrounded by people who are paralyzed by fear and without hope. Pray to make a difference. Share with others today what makes you secure and gives you hope.

20. Pass it on – When we love God with all our heart, He will enable us to love others as well. Pray to be a man who channels God’s love today. Spread the Good News of salvation and do good to others. “He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor, his righteousness endures forever” (Psa. 112:9). 

21. Abba Father – In Gal. 4:6 the Apostle Paul uses the expression “Abba Father” to express our intimate relationship with God. What a privilege to live in the presence of the Lord! Pray that your children will have the joy of living in close relationship with you, as a parent, too! Keep this connection always open.

22. Lead to Jesus – As fathers, we have the highest honor to bring our children to Jesus, as recorded in Matt.19:13. Ask the Lord to bless your children. Lead them in an enjoyable time of devotion and share the values of godly principles as you study the Bible and have a sweet time of prayer together. 

23. Praise – In many cultures men make comments to the detriment of the women they meet or live with. In Song of Songs 4:7 there is an example of how a husband can praise his wife: “You are all beautiful, my beloved! In you there is no blemish at all.” Pray that the words from your lips will make your wife feel honored and glad!

24. Treasure – The greatest treasure is not made up of money or precious metal. Many a man loses the most precious treasure, namely his family, in exchange for material possessions or fame.  Therefore, pray that you will be careful to keep the proper perspective of what is of real value. (Matt. 6:21)

25. Skill – The Bible teaches that work is a gift from the Lord, and the Holy Spirit enables and guides by giving skill for your profession. See the example in Exod. 35:31 where the Lord gave to Bazalel skill, ability and knowledge. You, too, can ask the Lord for inspiration and ability to do the work well that is before you today.

26. Worship – “Ascribe unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” (Psa. 29:2). Lord, our desire is to praise You as a family and together with the Church, recognizing who You are – the Almighty, Holy and Merciful One. You dwell in the midst of praise! We worship Your name!

27. Responsibility – “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter” (Prov. 24:11). On the cross Jesus Christ redeemed mankind from eternal punishment and death. By believing in Him, one receives eternal life. Accept the responsibility. Share the Good News of the Gospel! 

28. Manliness – “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love” (1 Cor. 16:13). Men of character don’t just happen; but they have exercised their will. They have learned to discern what is right, and they are trained in obeying God’s Word. Pray to become such a man of God.

29. The fear of God – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline” (Prov. 1:7). The reverend fear of God is for our own good. It keeps us from sin and leads us to follow His precepts. God is worthy of our adoration. In love, He provided for our salvation through the sacrifice of His Son.

30. Government – “…and the government will be on his shoulders” (Isa. 9:6). Even if it seems as if the decisions in this world depend on those who have the most power and influence, be encouraged, our God will have the last word. In the meantime, pray conscientiously for Him to bless the men and women in government today.  

31. Prayer – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God” (Phil. 4:6). Traumatic events, family history, health problems and negative thinking can trigger anxiety. Make the best choice. Entrust your problems to the Lord and wait for His provision.