A. Adoration (Adoring our God)
1. Our Triune God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end of all things. Submit in humble adoration to His will in your life. (Rev. 22:13)
2. Our God is a jealous God; pray that His people would love only Him and no other god. (Deut. 6:15)
B. Confession (Men Confessing our Sin particularly)
3. Confess if there be any first love of money and material things in you. (I Timothy 6:10)
4. Confess our prioritizing sport and pleasure above obeying our God. (Proverbs 21:17, Luke 4:8)
5. Confess the tendency to serve and depend on things God has made more than the God who made them. (Romans 1:25)
C. Thanksgiving (Thanking God as Believers )
6. Thank God that through faith in Jesus Christ He has saved us from the wrath that will come upon the ungodly. (I Thessalonians 1:10)
7. Thank Him for His knowing what we need and providing for us each day. (Matthew 6:26)
8. Thank Him that we have the blessings of God in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 1:3)
9. Thank Him that, by the Spirit, we have the mind of Christ. (I Corinthians 2:16)
D. Thanksgiving (For CA particularly)
10. Thank Him that program translation of the 52 CA scripts is progressing in South Africa, Indonesia, Brazil and India.
11. Thank Him that the program series “Adult Children of Divorce” has been recorded in English and is ready for the final production.
E. Supplication (Humbly Asking God)
12. Pray for our Leaders and all who are in authority over us. (I Timothy 2:1-3)
13. Ask for wisdom for those in authority so that their righteous leadership may enable us to live peaceable and godly lives. (I Timothy 2:1-3)
14. Seek wisdom in your personal affairs and relationships in order to be able to discern and do what is right and pleasing in God’s eyes. (James 1:5)
15. Ask for God to enable us to understand and practice the kind of leadership that blesses and protects those who are under our care. (Proverbs 29:2)
16. Pray for protection of the creation ordinance of marriage. (Genesis 1:27-28)
17. Ask the Lord to teach you how to pray, following the example set by Jesus. (Luke 6:12)
18. Intercede for men to have the grace to lead their families in prayer. (Ephesians 5:23)
19. As Scripture speaks of the great privilege and power in praying corporately, ask the Lord to give us the desire and opportunity to so pray. (Mt 18:19.20)
20. Pray that men would know and study the Word so as to be able to examine themselves by it. (II Timothy 3:15-17)
21. Ask for discernment of the ways of this world, which is passing away vs. the ways of God, which are revealed, to us in His Word. (I Cor. 1:20-21)
22. Pray God would not lead you into temptation but deliver you from evil day to day. (Matthew 6:13)
23. Pray for God’s grace to resist the onslaught of sexual immorality, and for men to be guardians of moral values. (I Corinthians 6:18)
24. Ask that fear of man would give way to fear of God. (Matthew 10:28)
25. Ask that men would have the courage to do what is right, not necessarily what is popular or considered good by the world.(Joshua 1:7)
26. That God would intervene and enable Christian men to be servant leaders who preserve godly priorities in their homes. (Mark 10:42-45 )
F. Supplication (For CA particularly)
27. Pray for Champions Arise (CA) to be a catalyzer for men to join in prayer interceding for each other, their families and encourage each other in their God given role as examples of godly leaders.
28. Pray for the CA program production teams in South Africa, Indonesian, India, Brazil and the US.
29. Pray for the Lord’s provision for the needed finances for new language groups and the outreach on local radio stations and other media.
30. Pray for the process of testing the Pilot programs in Zulu and Afrikaans.