Prayer Points for December 2015

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

1. “I am crucified with Christ” (Galatians 2:20): Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for loving me so much that you gave yourself for me through your sacrificial death upon the cross. Thank you that my old sinful nature in Adam died with you and that I am released from guilt and am free indeed.

2. “Nevertheless I live” (Galatians 2:20): Dear God, I thank you that when Christ arose from the dead, I arose with him. The resurrection life of Christ now resides in me. I have been made alive as a new creation in Christ. Thank you, Lord, that because of you I am able to walk in newness of life.

3. “Yet not I, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20): Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for replacing my old life with your new life. The old me is gone. I am now a new person in Christ. I recognize that the Christian life is the Christ life. Therefore, I surrender my will so that you can live your life in me.

4. “The life which I now live …” (Galatians 2:20): Lord, I thank you that because of my union with Christ, your life has now become my life. You are the source of my life! I ask you to take me and make me the person you want me to be. Thank you, Lord, for enabling me to live by your mighty power.

5. “I live by the faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20): Dear Lord, thank you for giving yourself to me. I give myself to you. By faith I entrust my life to you. I place my faith in your faithfulness. I trust you to live your life through me. I praise you that I am now alive by your life!

6. God has given men a special responsibility for their families (see 1 Corinthians 11:3). However, as men we are not given the right to rule over our spouses and kids for our own benefit. We have a call to be their servant leaders. Pray that God will grant us wisdom and strength to become Christ-like servants to our loved ones.

7. Leading like Christ means we are to be servants (see Mark 10:44-45). However, instead of being humble and meek in our attitude to our loved ones, we are often tempted to rule and impose. Pray that God will give us strength and willingness to overcome pride and haughtiness and that we will allow God to transform us into his image.

8. The spirit of this world is pulling us away from the Lord. One temptation is to be unfaithful and to look lustfully at other women. Unless we are constantly under God’s protection, we become victims due to our own lack of self-judgment. Pray that God will help us to be faithful, both to him and to our loved ones (Proverbs 20:6).

9. The most effective way to impact other people is to be good role models ourselves. As men we have tremendous opportunities to transform our families through the way we are living. Let’s pray that God will grant us wisdom and ability to become such role models, inspiring our families and friends to also live for him (Titus 2:7).

10. Many men don’t see the damage that their anger causes to their spouses and children. Pray that the Lord will use his word to challenge these men to seek help to overcome their anger (Proverbs 19:11).

11. Pornography is trapping men around the globe. Pray that men will commit to honoring God and their wives by disciplining their minds and their eyes (Romans 6:12-13).

12. One of the goals of Champions Arise is the formation of disciplining groups for men. Pray that God’s Holy Spirit will draw men together to study God’s word and to learn how to be godly men, husbands and fathers (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

13. The Bible says true wisdom involves loving peace, being gentle, being willing to yield, and having fullness of mercy and sincerity. Pray that men will apply God’s wisdom in their lives and resist the temptation to appeal to anger and violence (James 3:17).

14. The Bible calls men to teach their children the ways of God. Pray that men will rise to the task of being spiritual leaders in the home and bring up godly children (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

15. There are about 50 million displaced people in this world. Pray that government leaders will treat the world’s “diaspora” justly and respectfully. Pray for followers of Christ to show Christian love and to care for them (Matthew 25:35).

16. This world belongs to God, and he has entrusted it to us. Pray that many business leaders will shift their focus from financial success to eternal significance and administer their enterprises with kingdom values (Psalm 50:12).

17. Blessed is a nation whose god is the Lord. Pray that national leaders with notable character would gain the favor of their citizenries (Psalm 33:12).

18. Christians are called to be the light and the salt of the earth. Pray that God will embolden church leaders to speak truth in love to our society (Matthew 5:13).

19. “The fear of man brings a snare” (Proverbs 29:25). Pray that church leaders around the world will be obedient to God and his eternal precepts rather than submitting to the opinion of mortal men.

20. Materialism threatens to distract men from seeking the Lord as their satisfaction. Pray for men to be delivered from the snare of getting more “stuff” to the detriment of their own spiritual lives. We cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24).

21. Many cultures measure success by how many material things a man owns or can shower upon his family. Pray for men to measure success by their faithfulness to the Lord and their families, and by stewarding well their possessions (Matthew 25:23).

22. Sometimes a man is tempted to compromise his integrity just so he can make a favorable business deal. Pray for men to value honesty and integrity even in the smallest matters, knowing that God sees everything (Luke 16:10-12).

23. In the midst of a busy life, a man can neglect his inner being and become morally vulnerable and selfish. Pray for men to be more intentional and deliberate about investing in their character by seeking the Lord through his Word and consciously depending on the leading of his Spirit (Galatians 5:17-26).

24. Marriages suffer as a result of misplaced priorities. Communication breaks down and distance grows when husbands and wives don’t deal with each other in love and respect. Pray for men to lead the way in communicating with their wives with understanding and love and by being the spiritual leaders of the home (1 Peter 3:7).

25. Champions Arise (CA) needs coordinators in TWR South Africa, Indonesia, India, Brazil, Uruguay and the United States who will work with local churches and call men to pray and be equipped through discipling groups. Please pray for the Lord to raise up this kind of leader (Matthew 9:37-38).

26. Producers from different language groups in India have been introduced to CA and trained in translation and contextualization of the program content. Please pray for them to know how to communicate the content of the 52 CA scripts in a way that is relevant to their respective cultures (1 Corinthians 9:19-22).

27. TWR Uruguay has been chosen as the production center for the Spanish CA programs. Pray for the Lord to encourage and enable the team in this effort. TWR uses a vast network of stations for Spanish programs in the Americas. The potential impact of CA Spanish is enormous. Pray for this urgent project (1 Corinthians 16:9).

28. TWR Indonesia has translated and produced the 52 CA scripts, and local stations on Java are broadcasting the programs. First listener letters have been received. Pray for the consolidation of the prayer network and the follow-up and discipling groups in cooperation with local churches (2 Timothy 3:17).

29. Pray for Andy, who does the end production of CA English, and for Paul, who is responsible for uploading all finished CA programs onto the Internet. Pray that many men will listen to the programs, which can be heard around the globe at and

30. We believe that our God pays his bills and gives us the privilege to cooperate with him. Praise the Lord for providing for the growing ministry of CA. Pray for hearts and hands to open to his touch and to support the work with joy (2 Corinthians 9:7).

31. Many Christians suffer violent persecution and even extermination in the Middle East, Africa and various totalitarian countries. Let’s support our brothers and sisters with fervent prayer. Pray that they might experience endurance and hope in all-surpassing measure, and to find in him their eternal refuge as they fear God more than men.