THE WORD: “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you
the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.” Ephesians 1:17
THE POINT: “I don’t get it. It doesn’t make sense.” And it won’t, at least not when it comes toknowingGod…orthethingsofGod…orthewaysofGod.Ourhumanlogicandour natural reasoning can never understand such things. The natural mind cannot comprehend the things of God. These things, the deep things of God, can only be discerned by the Spirit of God. Therefore, you need revelation—spiritual enlightenment!
When God pulls back the curtain of Heaven, you get THE REVELATION! This revelation occurs when the Holy Spirit makes the living Christ known to you. You see the Son of God in all His glory, and you know Him even as He is . . . by the Spirit. According to John 16:14, the Holy Spirit will take the things of Christ and show them unto you. Such divine enlightenment is the only way to know God. Knowing God by the Spirit is the way of true enlightenment. Spiritual enlightenment occurs as the Holy Spirit reveals truth and life to you.
Since God is Spirit (John 4:24), we need a spiritual connection with God. Therefore, our connection to God and our interaction with Him must be by means of the Holy Spirit. Christ made it possible for us to have this connection by being born again of the Holy Spirit. When you receive Christ, you are connected to God through a divine union with Christ. As a result, your spirit is joined to God’s Spirit. Therefore, you can now enjoy divine communion (sweet, personal, intimate fellowship) with the living God. This is the true intimate knowledge, which only comes from knowing God by the Spirit!
THE APPLICATION: Having this intimate knowledge of God is the reason for the Apostle Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:17. But in order to know God, you must first be born again by the Spirit of God (John 3:3-6). Have you been born again? Only by being born of the Spirit, can you know God, who is Spirit. This involves so much more than merely knowing about God.
Knowing about God is intellectual and involves the accumulation of information regarding God. However, the knowledge of God is spiritual, personal and intimate. It involves spiritual
revelation that leads to a genuine life transformation. Such knowledge of God is revolutionary; it makes a difference in your entire life. How? Your life is changed into the image of Christ from the inside out. Thus, you are able to experience His life and express His likeness, which is His very character and conduct. Glory!
The result: God is glorified in your life. Almighty God, the Father of glory, imparts His glory to you through His Son Jesus Christ. Christ in you is the hope of God being glorified in your life. The Holy Spirit reveals Christ to you, in you and through you. As you allow the Holy Spirit to fill you, He will manifest the glory of God in your life. And what about the Spirit of wisdom? Well, that’s what causes you to act responsibly. And God knows, we all need that!
THE PRAYER: “Dear God, I am grateful that You imparted Your Spirit to me so that I might know You and make You known. I ask that You grant me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. Then I will know Your ways and be able to walk in Your paths. I trust You, Holy Spirit, to cause me to exercise godly wisdom in all that I say and do. Thank You for the privilege of knowing You!”
Gratefully Yours,

Dr. Lewis & Lue Gregory
Believe it, receive it, print it, post it.
Most of all, live it!
This is really good news, so please pass it on. P.S. Do you have THE REVELATION? When God pulls back the curtains of Heaven and makes His glory known, we see the SON . . . Christ in you the hope of glory! (Colossians 1:27) There are many kinds of revelations, but we must have THE REVELATION, the one and only revelation that forms the basis of all revelations. This revelation gives us a knowing and a realization of the life that God has for us in Christ. Christ has come to liberate us to be all that we can be in Him, but we must have the revelation if we are going to walk in it. Romans 16:25-26 WATCH – THE REVELATION to find out more.