THE WORD: “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live . . . .” Galatians 2:20 

THE POINT: On numerous occasions as my wife Lue and I have been counseling couples, she has made the most astute observation, “Nobody is willing to die.” And yet, that is exactly what must happen before you can live. 

Life is for living! However, there is no living apart from dying. If you want to live, then you must be willing to die. In order to have resurrection life (God’s supernatural Life), you must first have crucifixion death. 

Jesus said that the grain of wheat must first fall into the ground and die before it can be productive (John 12:24). He was talking about a basic principle: life out of death. The sacrificial death of Christ resulted in resurrection life—eternal life for all humanity. 

Jesus went on to explain in John 12:25 that you must lose your life—your old lifeless human existence. Then, you can find the true life (the new life, the full and meaningful life), that God has for you in Christ. 

THE APPLICATION: Have you received Christ? When you receive Christ, you actually enter into His death, burial and resurrection. You are made one with Him in death in order that you might become one with Him in life. His death becomes your death, so that you can be raised to walk in newness of life— His Life. Since you have died with Christ, you can now also live with Him. In dying, you actually begin to live! 

You must make it personal. A simple faith transaction is in order. Accept your death with Christ as a done deal. Let go of your old life with your old ways. Thank God that you have been crucified with Christ. The old person you were is dead and gone. That’s not you anymore! 

After death comes resurrection. You have been raised from the dead by the power of God. That same resurrection power of the Holy Spirit now resides in you. Therefore, thank Him for His resurrection life in you. Step out by faith and start walking in the Spirit. Now you’re really living! 

THE PRAYER: “Heavenly Father, I am grateful that You made me one with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. Therefore, I gladly lose my life. I accept my crucifixion with Christ so that I can experience His resurrection life in me. I trust You, Holy Spirit, to empower me to walk in newness of life. Thank You, Lord, that in dying I now live!”

Alive in Christ,
Dr. Lewis & Lue Gregory