THE WORD: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with
all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3
THE POINT: God created us to bless us. But why would He do such a thing? The motive, according to Ephesians 1:4, is love! He reiterates this in Ephesians 2:4 by saying that it is because of “His great love wherewith He loved us.” It’s His nature. “God is love” (1 John 4:8).
Love is who God is and love is what He does. God is a loving Heavenly Father. He’s not a scrooge or a stingy ogre. Far from it! He is the most generous benefactor of all. He delights in lavishing His blessings upon us.
God chose to do this by giving us the very best—Himself. God loved the world so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ, in order that we might receive Him and experience His life (John 3:16). Hence, you are blessed . . . because God gave you the blessing—Christ Himself! The realization that God loves us so much that He wants to give us the very best is truly amazing. However, there is a catch. As with all gifts, you must receive God’s gift of Jesus Christ.
THE APPLICATION: Have you received Christ? In order to be “in Christ,” you must first receive the Lord Jesus Christ. Once you receive Him, He comes into you and joins Himself to you. As a result, you are “in Christ.” You become one with Him through a divine union. All the spiritual resources of the heavenly realm, which are in Christ, are now in you because of your union with Christ. Therefore, through Christ all the spiritual blessings have become available to you.
What are these spiritual blessings? The spiritual blessings are everything that God is and has. They are the very nature and character of God—the fruit of the Spirit. These blessings are embodied in the person of Jesus Christ Himself. While the primary blessing is eternal life in Christ, God also wants to bless you with the temporal things of this world. He will do this, as He deems appropriate, through Christ who is the Source of all things.
When you are in Christ, you have all that He is: His life, His presence, and His power. In Christ, you are truly blessed!!!
THE PRAYER: “Dear Lord, previously I have prayed for you to bless me. However, I now realize You have already blessed me by giving me Yourself. The Source of all blessings—Jesus Christ Himself, now resides in me. Since all blessings come from You, I am truly blessed! Thank You for blessing me with the Source of all things through You, my Lord! Therefore, whenever a need arises cause me to acknowledge You as my Source and rely upon You to supply the need.”
Abundantly Blessed,

Dr. Lewis & Lue Gregory
Believe it, receive it, print it, post it.
Most of all, live it!
This is really good news, so please pass it on.P.S. You Are Blessed! Yes you are! But why are you blessed, and what are the blessings? It’s time to count your true blessings!
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