THE WORD: “To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us accepted in the
Beloved.” Ephesians 1:6
THE POINT: Rejection! We’ve all had plenty of experience with that, and it sure does hurt! The
effects of rejection are often deep seated and long term. Rejection can have a detrimental effect
on our self-image and our self-worth, but God has a solution for this! God offers us acceptance!
God’s acceptance is so much more than anything the world has to offer. God’s kind of
acceptance is unconditional and unlimited. Now that’s something everyone needs! The amazing
thing is once you have Christ, you are accepted by God. When you accept Christ, the Heavenly
Father accepts you because of your union with Christ. And now, Christ Himself is your basis of
acceptance. You are accepted in Christ!
God predestined (planned ahead of time) that Jesus Christ would be your vital connection to
Him. Thus, Jesus Christ is your means of access to God and your means of acceptance by God.
And that is pure grace—the unmerited favor of God freely bestowed upon you. Amazing!
THE APPLICATION: Praise God, no more rejection! When you accept Christ and receive Him
into your life, you become one with Him. Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son—His beloved,
in whom He is well pleased! Being in Christ (the Beloved) makes you acceptable to God the
Father. If you have accepted Christ, then God accepts you in the Beloved!
God accepts you in the Beloved in order that you might become one of His beloved sons or
daughters. The same love that God the Father has for His Son Jesus Christ is now yours in Christ.
This has nothing to do with your age, sex, race, accomplishments, or attainments. It has
everything to do with Christ, and the fact that you are now in union with Christ.
To be in Christ, is to be acceptable to God. It’s that simple. You have become one of God’s
favorites! Since God accepts you, it’s time to accept your amazing new-creation self!
Furthermore, once you’re settled about your total unconditional acceptance by your Heavenly
Father, then you can handle the rejection of others. After all, because the Almighty God—who is
the greatest of all—accepts you, then what others think doesn’t really matters. So, accept your
acceptance in Christ . . . and be glad about it!
THE PRAYER: “Dear God, rejection can be really hard, especially when I feel like You have
rejected me. But now I know that once I have accepted Christ, I am brought into union with Him.
Therefore, You now accept me because of Christ in me. It is by grace that I am accepted, not by
my works, but by the works of Christ who now indwells me. Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, that
You have made me acceptable to Father God!”
Rejoicing in Him,
Dr. Lewis & Lue Gregory
P.S. GOD WHERE ARE YOU? – Many people have been disappointed, betrayed and hurt by
others. They feel rejected and abandoned. Could this describe you?