1. Shared responsibility – As a follower of Christ, it is your duty to sow the seed of the gospel by words and deeds. It is the Lord, however, who is responsible for the harvest. Thank him today that you are found worthy to work alongside the creator of heaven and earth for the salvation of the lost. (Mark 4:2-8)
2. Give thanks – Thank God that Jesus has saved you by grace. Give him thanks for the precious fellowship you can enjoy with fellow believers. Thank God that he wants to see every human being saved and that he has invited you to participate in the harvest. Note how you are encouraged to pray for those in authority. (1 Tim. 2:1-4)
3. A thankful heart – The Bible teaches us to give thanks to God in all circumstances. This is God’s will for us. Even if we don’t feel like it, we should do it. It takes our eyes off us and gets us focused on the Lord, who is with us also in our darkest hours. Thank him that he is power, love and wisdom, and trust him fully. He deserves the praise – that is undeniable. (1 Thess. 5:18)
4. Keep your eyes upon Jesus – You might have heard the song “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life,” written by Eric Idle, member of the comedy troupe Monty Python. A way better idea, however, is to always keep your eyes focused on Jesus, pondering what he has done to save you from eternal condemnation (Heb. 12:2-3). He will tune your heart to praise!
5. The right focus – When you have a Christ-centred attitude to life, you bring God’s glory into your own life. At the same time, you have a positive impact on other people – pulling them closer to Jesus. Pray that you will succeed in bringing many others into his presence. (2 Cor. 2:15).
6. Wisdom needed – We men need wisdom from God to lead our families well. Pray that we will seek the wisdom that comes from God’s Word. Spend time in reading, especially the book of Proverbs. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7).
7. Abiding in Christ – If you are a disciple of Christ, allow him to live his wisdom through you. Abide in him like a branch abides in the vine. “For he has become for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30).
8. God promises wisdom – Don’t be shy, man, the Bible invites you to pray for wisdom in every situation. Don’t act hastily; rather, be humble and willing to learn to ask God for wisdom on a regular basis. He gives generously. (Jas. 1:7)
9. Knowledge – Knowledge is not wisdom. Knowledge can breed pride. Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge and the ability to apply sound judgments in a given situation. Pray for men to know the difference and live wisely. (Eph. 5:15-16)
10. True wisdom – The natural man is unable to discern spiritual truth. Therefore, the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. Pray for men of God to discard the wisdom of this world for the true wisdom that comes from the Lord alone. (Jas. 3:13,17)
11. The greatest gift – Lord Jesus, I thought that if good things happened to me it was because I had been good and that if bad things happened it meant I had been bad. But now I see that gain is not godliness. Your Word says that contentment combined with godliness is the key to great gain. Remind me that I already have you, which is the greatest gift of all! (1 Tim. 6:3-6)
12. Contentment – Oh Lord, in the past I was always wanting something more. But no matter how much I got, it was never enough. Now I have discovered true contentment. I realize that you are the source of all things. Therefore, all my needs are met in you. So, I can be truly content in Christ alone. (Phil. 4:11-12)
13. My provider – Dear God, we humans are needy people. But that is where you come in. You are the creator and sustainer of all things. You are also my provider. Therefore, you will meet all my needs. So, I trust you to supply all my needs through Christ my Lord. (Gen. 22:7-14)
14. Godly living – Heavenly Father, many people are distorting Scripture to support their ungodly purposes. This is tragic because your Word is good and true. Protect me from fleshly perversions of the truth. Keep me from turning your grace into an occasion for my fleshly appetites. Cause me to live a godly life in Christ. (Jude 1:4)
15. Grace and truth – Dear Lord, I need the truth, and I also need the grace to live the truth. Your grace was demonstrated through your acts in the Scriptures. But once Christ came into my life, your grace became available to me through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for imparting your grace and truth to me! (John 1:17)
16. Increase learning – “A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel” (Prov. 1:5). Pray that your mind will be renewed by the Spirit of God. Then your brain will be able to listen and understand what really matters, and your counsel will bless those who are entrusted to your care.
17. Parenting – “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching” (Prov. 1:8). Parents have the awesome privilege and responsibility to love and nurture their children in God’s way. Never get tired of sharing your faith and experience with those whom the Lord has entrusted to your care.
18. Decision-making – “My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent” (Prov. 1:10). The lure of sin brings about the fall of anyone who is prone to superficialities and has no personal convictions. Therefore, pray in your heart as did Daniel and Joseph in the Bible. Stay firm when tempted and submit in obedience to God alone.
19. The fear of the Lord – “My son if you receive my words and treasure my commandments within you, …then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God” (Prov. 2:1-5). A family, or a nation, without the fear of the Lord is like a ship without a rudder. Pray for moral and spiritual revival in our day.
20. Discretion – “Discretion will guard you, understanding will watch over you, to deliver you from the way of evil” (Prov. 2:11-12). If you are a man who has surrendered to God’s will, then you will be a wise guide to your family and friends. Pray to be always attentive to his Spirit, who indicates the right way.
21. Government – “Pray for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Tim. 2:2). The duty of a Christian is to pray for those in authority over him. Take advantage of your role as influencer and bend your knee before the King of kings, who rules in the affairs of men.
22. Morality – “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind.” (Rom. 1:28). He who resists God’s law and abandons willfully his canopy of grace falls prey to the powers of darkness. Pray to be a man who stands up for truth and who shines the gospel into our world.
23. Missions – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations … baptizing them [and] teaching them” (Matt. 28:19). The gospel is the message of liberation from being a slave to sin and means life for people on spiritual death row. Lord, please help me to be an effective witness of your salvation today!
24. World events – “I will also keep you from the hour of testing … which is about to come upon the whole world” (Rev. 3:10). While human ideologies promise the utopia of social bliss, the Bible warns that our world is heading to its final judgment day. Thank the Lord that he will always be a shelter for those who trust and obey him.
25. Last days – “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come” (2 Tim. 3:1) Christ purchased through his atoning sacrifice on the cross all mankind back to God. Whoever believes in Jesus will be saved by his grace. The signs indicate that we live in the End Times. Pray to be found faithful when the Lord returns.
26. Standard – Fellowship and celebrations in the family are opportunities for us men who love Jesus to establish the Christian standard. Lord, I ask that you use me as a signpost to your standards of living and that I will know how to position myself when biblical truths and teachings are overlooked. “I have trusted in the Lord without wavering” (Ps. 26:1).
27. Vows – On your wedding day, you committed yourself to stand by your wife in times of happiness and in times of sadness, when there is plenty and when resources are scarce. Lord, help me to live out my vows and to be a trustworthy husband who fills my spouse’s heart with joy. (Prov. 3.3)
28. Work – It is a fact that we live in a society that rejects the principles of God’s Word. At the workplace the temptations for corruption abound. Proverbs 10:16 says: “The wages of the righteous bring them live, but the income of the wicket brings them punishment.” Lord, we cry out for you to keep our professional conduct in line with your will!
29. Results – “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and whoever loves it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21). My prayer, Lord, is for wisdom in speaking to my children. May my words be a source of life and an incentive for good. Forgive me for the times that I have used words that denigrated my family and the name of the Lord!
30. Music – The lyrics of many popular songs are flooding youth with indecent language, which is easily internalized by this generation. Lord, help us to know how to protect our children’s minds, guarding their hearts from perverse ideologies and leading them to worship you. (Prov. 4.23)
31. Man of God – “I know, O LORD, that a man’s way is not in himself, nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps” (Jer. 10:23). The Lord superintends all events, and we men are responsible for our choices before him. Pray to be a man of God, who allows for his Word and Spirit to mold you into a witness of his grace.